Vision Engine



 - 全景\VR内容拍摄制作。


 - 可量产VR节目的内容制作平台,通过先进内容制作管理系统实现品质标准、制作流程、产能可扩充、制作周期可计算;VR内容云端并



 - VR素材交易、影片发行、IP输出、多领域内容制作资源整合。


 - VR内容定制服务。


 - Broadcast quality VR content procution.


 - Unique massive VR content production platform, through the advanced content management system to achieve quality

   standardization,productionprocess, capacity can be expanded, the production cycle can be calculated, VR content cloud parallel rendering

   system, digital watermarking, digital signature,data encryption for digital rights protection and management.


 - VR material trading, film distribution, IP(Intellectual property) output, multi-domain content production resource integration.


 - VR content customization services.

512映秀(512 Ying Xiu) 0:10:08|4K|3D
索菲亚大教堂(Saint Sophia Cathedral) 0:05:49|4K|2D
丰收的喜悦-五常(Joyful Harvest - Wuchang Rice) 0:05:19|4K|3D
816地下核工程(下)(Underground nuclear military plant part 2) 0:07:26|4K|2D
816地下核工程(上)(Underground nuclear military plant part 1) 0:07:54|4K|2D
桌上游戏(狼人杀上)(Table game Werewolf episode 1) 0:19:35
厦门之行_厦港送王船(Xiamen's Ancient Traditional Folk Activities) 0:04:16|4K|2D
厦门之行_你好.厦门大学(Hello, Xiamen University) 0:11:27|4K|2D
厦门之行_初见厦门(At first peek of Xiamen) 0:06:27|4K|2D
厦门之行_非主流琴岛(Non-mainstream type of travel in Gulangyu, the island of Piano) 0:12:53|4K|2D
厦门之行_邂逅沙坡尾(Meet the town of Sha Po Wei) 0:09:15|4K|2D
厦门之行_老厦门趴趴走(Walking in the Old town of Xiamen) 0:10:15|4K|2D
山西之行集锦(A collection of the trip to Shanxi) 0:08:29|4K|3D
壶口瀑布(Hukou Waterfall) 0:03:41|4K|3D
霍州署衙与苏三监狱(Huozhou State Hall) 0:07:24|4K|3D
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